The IHUBApp platform turns what you know on its head. In this lesson, we will explore the capabilities of the platform and how it stacks up against the competition in a variety of areas. We will explore the key functionalities that are important to customers. We will also provide the key differentiators between IHUBApp and the leading digital build platforms in the marketplace.
We’re not trying to “keep up” with DIY (do-it-yourself) website and app builders. We’re here to disrupt the entire way the industry thinks about digital experience. Let’s look at how we are doing just that!
Functionality vs. Design
What good does it do to have the most beautiful design in the world, but it not be functional?
When you look at other platforms they place a heavy emphasis on design and functionality second. The IHUBApp puts functionality first and design second for a practical reason. Google prioritizes functionality and so do your people. Just think of a time you visited a really “pretty” app but couldn’t find what you need or easily get what you need.
Time to Build
Hands down there is no faster build in the marketplace. In the video below, we show you how fast it is to stand up an IHUBApp. When you stand-up a hub, everything is already turned on and ready for engagement.