6.1 Recap of Key Takeaways

6.1 Recap of Key Takeaways

Important Hubs

https://hubship.ihub.app/ - The HubSHIP is a dedicated Hub to help IHUBApp Allies and Hubmasters in their journey. Be sure to subscribe to keep up-to-date on the latest materials and resources available to you!

https://hubstore.ihub.app/ - Is the place to have your Hubs listed. All Hubs listed in the Hub Store are used by IHUBApp Marketing and will be promoted for FREE through our social channels.
Submit your hub here.

Key Modules

Here’s a few key takeaways from this course that we feel are important:

2.1 Why is the IHUBApp Needed?
2.3 How does the IHUBApp stack up against the competition?
3.2 Selecting the IHUBApp feature with most impact.
3.4 Using the IHUBApp Marketing Tool Kit
4. Building your IHUBApp Marketing Plan

Frequently Used Links

Below are links that are frequently used in sales. NOTE: Please be sure to use your affiliate marketing link and not the pricing link below in order to receive your 20% commission.

IHUBApp Hubmaster Licensing - 2023

IHUBApp | GO launch your Hub today

IHUBApp | GO launch your Hub today

IHUBApp | GO launch your Hub today

IHUBApp | GO launch your Hub today

Useful Marketing Resources

IHUBApp | Automated Newsletters

IHUBApp | Email-to-App Synergization Feature

The IHUBApp™ Digital Experience Platform DXP Intelligent Channel Feeds


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