System Defined Channel Roles

System Defined Channel Roles

The following Channel Roles are already setup and ready to use.





Channel Owner

Has full access to all functionality of the Channel with the ability to create channel roles and suspend the channel.

Channel Administrator

User who has access to all functionality of the Channel without the ability create channel roles and cannot suspend the channel.

Channel Publisher

User with permission to Create, Approve, Edit, and Publish to the Channel.

Channel Contributor

User with permission to submit changes in content that can be published by the Publisher, Administrator or Owner the Channel.

Channel Member

Individuals that have Joined, Requested to Join, or have been invited to the Channel that can access channel content when logged into the site. 

Channel access is completely separate from Hub access. Just because you are an Administrator of your Hub does not mean you automatically have access to every channel. This allows a level of security and control for organizations. You can ENABLE yourself to be added to every channel as it is created if you wish to have that level of access.

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